November 2, 2010

NAS JAX Air Show

We took a little weekend getaway to Jacksonville for the Air Show last week.  I was a great weekend with something for everyone to do.  We had great meals every night at some of our favorite restaurants and I got started my Christmas shopping. The main reason was to foster Ben's love for airplanes and flying. And let me just say, the boy has thousands of questions in his head that Larry and I don't have the answer for.  We told him this is your chance, do not come home from JAX until you have asked every question of every pilot you see, he did. 
We had an amazing time hanging out with the family and spending time with our friends the Kountanis's.  My guys ended up going both days to the Air Show.  With Grace and I joining them on Saturday.  What stands out the most for me is how proud I was of our military and the talent and skill of the pilots.  My other big memory was Gracie's ability to nap for an hour and a half with  jets roaring past.  People were walking by and laughing. 


Josh wanted an autograph so bad, he wouldn't let his pen and paper out of his sight.  This was the night before at dinner!  At the end of the show, they met the Blue Angel Commander, it made their day!  The boys loved every minute and are ready to go back next year. 

November 1, 2010

Birthday Girl

Three years ago we received this beautiful gift from God.  She is bright, speaks her mind and a joy to be around.  When she laughs, you can't help but smile.  Thank you Gracie for being our sunshine.
Happy 3rd birthday sweet baby girl!  Love, Momma & Papa.

October 14, 2010

Grace's Day

Just wanted to share with you four hours of Grace's day. She helped unload and stack pumpkins at church for the pumpkin patch. Then, a few hours later, decided she needed a little bit of mascara.  That's my girl.

October 7, 2010

October 3, 2010

Can you tell me how to get....

How to get to Sesame Street. Elmo was in town so Grace and I caught the show. So much fun watching her face. I had explained it that Elmo was having a dance party. I don't think she was expecting something so "big".

October 1, 2010

Birthday Boy

When we first moved into our house, Josh was just 15 months old. He was just a little guy with big blue eyes. And now... my baby is 6! Where has the time gone?
To celebrate his milestone, Josh chose to spend the day at the Lego store and lunch at the T-Rex cafe. It was such a fun family day. Happy Birthday Joshie Bear!

September 27, 2010

Go Gators

Larry and I spent a very hot afternoon in the swamp with Ben and a friend of his from school. This was Ben's first football game and the boys had a great time and loved the atmosphere. As a mom, I just want to say how cute they looked in their Teabow and Harvin jerseys. After five minutes, they knew all the cheers, chomps and were high-fiving the guys in the next row. We had a nice man behind us who stood up during halftime so the boys would be in the shade, gator fans a so nice. The four of us had a blast and would love to go to another game soon (hint hint mom and dad). Walking back to our car, this is what we saw from the sidewalk. They looked like the best of friends.