October 31, 2008


Here's my cuties. Larry and I always get a laugh every year and play a game at which of our kids will cry while getting ready to go trick-or-treating. They haven't let us down yet and this year it was Gracie's turn. Although she was teething and a little tired things finally got underway. I love watching their little faces at the sheer delight in receiving candy all for ringing a doorbell. Josh turned to us after leaving the doorstep of a house with a big smile on his face and said "it worked, it worked, they gave me candy! This year I made Benjamin's Sponge Bob costume with the help of a friend who sketched and painted the face. I'm thrilled at how well it turned out. Hope you all had a fun time tonight. Don't eat too much candy.

Career Day

This is red ribbon week at school for the DARE program. Every day the kids wear something different to emphasize the DARE message of the day. Anyway, today is "Too Cool to do Drugs" Career Day. As you may know, Benjamin has known he wants to be a farmer from a very young age. This morning we decided to put a different spin on things and dress like a farmer going to a business meeting. He was real proud of his look.

October 27, 2008

Looking at One.

I can't believe my little girl has turned one. I'm a little sad at how quickly the year has gone by. I began planning her birthday party a few months ago. As the mom of two boys, it was something I was looking forward to for awhile. Our theme was a ladybug tea party which meant no boys allowed. Her brothers shed a few tears but eventually understood mom's need for a "girly" party. No John Deere decorations allowed.

Gracie loved getting dressed up and wasn't to keen on wearing her crown until she was distracted by her cupcake. The decorations were fun to make and I saved some of the tissue paper pom poms to hang in her room.

My mom was a big help in getting set up (thank-you) a lot of love went into the planning and cooking, which I love to do.

Through this past year, my heart has grown. I have watched the love and amazement two boys can have for their sister. And I have watched a grown man fall in love with his beautiful girl. Happy Birthday Gracie.