September 27, 2010

Go Gators

Larry and I spent a very hot afternoon in the swamp with Ben and a friend of his from school. This was Ben's first football game and the boys had a great time and loved the atmosphere. As a mom, I just want to say how cute they looked in their Teabow and Harvin jerseys. After five minutes, they knew all the cheers, chomps and were high-fiving the guys in the next row. We had a nice man behind us who stood up during halftime so the boys would be in the shade, gator fans a so nice. The four of us had a blast and would love to go to another game soon (hint hint mom and dad). Walking back to our car, this is what we saw from the sidewalk. They looked like the best of friends.

September 16, 2010

Proud Mama

Please allow me to brag for a bit. I couldn't help but cry when Josh's teacher told me the good news. He has some big shoes to fill with his big brother so my joy was that of a proud mama at his accomplishment. Both my boys student of the month, the first month of school. Happy Happy Joy Joy!