I can't believe my little girl has turned one. I'm a little sad at how quickly the year has gone by. I began planning her birthday party a few months ago. As the mom of two boys, it was something I was looking forward to for awhile. Our theme was a ladybug tea party which meant no boys allowed. Her brothers shed a few tears but eventually understood mom's need for a "girly" party. No John Deere decorations allowed.
Gracie loved getting dressed up and wasn't to keen on wearing her crown until she was distracted by her cupcake. The decorations were fun to make and I saved some of the tissue paper pom poms to hang in her room.
My mom was a big help in getting set up (thank-you) a lot of love went into the planning and cooking, which I love to do.
Through this past year, my heart has grown. I have watched the love and amazement two boys can have for their sister. And I have watched a grown man fall in love with his beautiful girl. Happy Birthday Gracie.

Looks great. We had such fun. It is fun to get all dressed up every now and then. Look forward to many more "girly" parties.
AWWWWWW....little Gracie. She is such a doll. Thank you for hosting a wonderful party, Amanda Lily and I had a great time. It is fun for mothers of both boys and girls to get to have "girl time", too.
By the way...I am so happy you are blogging. Keep it up!
Friends, love, delicate decorations, little princess and delicious cute snacks were part of this special celebration! Gracie looked beautiful and happy! Congratulations Trish this is a very warm family blog.
Illera Family
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