There are three divisions by weight class. Under 40lb., 40-60lb. and 60+. Before we left, Josh was weighing 39 lbs. which was perfect but, somewhere along the way, a growth spurt happened and he was put in the same weight class as his brother Benjamin. Even though he was with the bigger kids, Josh had a smile on his face the whole time and just loved being in the moment. Benjamin did fantastic, out of thirty kids, he pulled (pedaled) 155 lbs. a distance of 46.5 ft., just 1.5 ft. short of a full pull for fourth place. It's a moment we hope he will remember when he is a grown man.
What did Gracie do this whole time. Why, she sat in her stroller so nicely and clapped for her brothers. She was so sweet, and yes girls can compete so we will be entering her next time we go. Maybe the Buffkin kids will sweep all three classes.