Can preparing for Christmas be a stressful time? Decorating, I can manage. Shopping, are you kidding, that's a blast. Baking, I always say it's my time to connect with traditions, reflect and put my love in it. Taking the photo to go on the Christmas card...Drives me insane!!! This year I thought I would be smart and schedule the kids in with a professional so I would be out of the loop. That should work right? Wrong. My normally happy baby girl was not having any of that and cried the entire time. What few pictures they managed she was so red and puffy that it just wasn't going to work out. So with dread I knew what the next step would involve. Me in the front yard, camera in hand trying not to yell or get visibly frustrated. So, with upbeat optimism, combed hair and clean shirts we gave it a go. Three attempts and one hundred and thirty pictures later (yes, I said 130), here is the product of my labor. Needless to say, these are the ones that did

n't make the cut. Enjoy.